Saturday, May 19, 2007

Besant Nagar Beach at dawn and dusk

They say that when a small crowd gathers, more people join just out of curiousity. So do I. Blame it on the 'social animal' tag that we humans got.

Hundreds and thosands of folks go for a walk along the beach at dawn and dusk, I thought why not me. So I decided to join the health conscious bandwagon (not the drive-to-beach-and-do-nothing-but-eat-variety-of-soups only group) and take a morning walk to the beach. It is peak of summer now and the peak temperature yesterday was pegged at 108 degrees F (that's 42.77777777 degress C). Inspite of that, the morning was still not bad. At 5:45 am, it was plesant indeed.

Except that as I walk along the beach and away from the Planet Yum, I see that there is an array of human folks that one could easily mistake for doing a team excercise of continuous squats. On closer look, you'll wish that you should not have taken a closer look. Yes, the beach begins to be a large scale toilet unfortunately. A very unpleasant sight, not to mention the air pollution.

Do we really like to have this scene long term?