Saturday, May 19, 2007

Besant Nagar Beach - One fine rainbow morning

These days everyone talks fitness. So do I, to keep up with the latest in-thing on the gossip-world of Chennai..or atleast I try to. No fitness talk is complete without talking about a walk/jog/gossip along the beach. I chose Besant Nagar beach, one closer to my home, not for walk or jog, just to take a few snaps of the sunrise. I prefer my gym for fitness (well, to be honest I don't make it to the gym more than 2-3 times a week and I'll talk about that later on a different context).

So I managed to get up at 5:15 and decided to take early morning snaps. It was a fine morning, cool breeze was there. The sky was partly cloudy. I had seen the sun rising from the Bay of Bengal on rare clear sky days, not today.

Being cloudy was one of the reason that made it a rainbow morning. Yes, the sky was coloured beautifully. How lucky he is, someone commented, looking at me taking an aim of the sky. I am, indeed. I was not alone, there were a couple of other camera holders too. I didn't know that some of the joggers kept camera in their cars. What's the need of a car on a fitness jogging morning? Well, that's a separate topic that I'll delve later.

The red clay walkway is always a great place for a beautiful snap and here is one.

Well, they say every beautiful thing has an ugly side. Why is that the beaches always turn a massive toilet on every morning? I could see about 50 folks taking pleasure in relieving their previous day junk-foods on the beach water line, making the place real nasty!

Nevertheless, the Elliots beach is always a pleasure mornings or evenings. The evening pleasure could mean different for different citizens, which we'll discuss later. That's for now

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